Wednesday, January 10, 2007

GDR speaking of the movie

Gregory David Roberts, Author on scripting a movie based on his book.

'It's impossible to recreate a city like Mumbai'

You're scripting a movie, based on your book Shantaram. Does scripting or writing give you greater creative satisfaction?

I've scripted only the first draft for the film, based, of course, on the book. It was a creative process making my life into a novel, and then, translating 900-odd words into a 90-minute film, was another creative process.

But looking back at my life, and putting it all into words and images was enlightening.

Shantaram was a success as a novel. Will the movie click?

I think the film will be even more interesting than the book since it's essentially the story of my life.

And not even a moment of my life was boring, I was constantly on the run, escaping from prison, interacting with the underworld. In fact, my life was so pictorial, it was intended to be made into a film!

Most of the film will be shot in Mumbai...

Yes, since the story is semi autobiographical, and since most of the later part of my life was spent in Mumbai, 90 per cent of the film will be shot here.

It's impossible to recreate a city like Mumbai, there's only one Mumbai.

Officials from a foreign studio house are in the city scouting for locations...

Yes, shooting for the film begins in November, but the recc‚ (searching for suitable shooting locations) process has already begun.

The places mentioned in the book Colaba Causeway, Ballard Pier, Kala Ghoda, Sassoon Dock, Haji Ali will be part of the film.

We'll also be shooting in North India, to substitute for Afghanistan. Some scenes will be shot in Australia and USA.

Johnny Depp will be portraying your character...

I couldn't think of anybody better than Depp to play the part of Shantaram.

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